All the questions to ask your wedding florist

Not sure exactly what you need to check during an upcoming consultation with a wedding florist?

Don’t worry our handy guide will help, it’s been split into sections to aid your conversations with potential florists.

  • Are you available for our date of ... ?

    How many other weddings will you potentially book on the same day?

    Have you worked at our venue(s) before?

    Will you be creating our arrangements yourself, or will it be with a team?

    How long have you been working with flowers?

  • How would you describe your floral style?

    Do you have examples of your existing work which are similar to our brief?

    Will you provide us with floral designs in advance for the chosen arrangements?

    Do you create sample designs or mockups?

    Is everything bespoke, or do you replicate designs?

  • Where do source your flowers & foliage?

    What flowers can I expect for the time of year of our wedding?

    Are you able to provide organic, pesticide free flowers?

    What ingredients would you recommend with my season?

  • How much is your minimum spend?

    What can I expect to receive for my budget?

    How would you recommend I best utilise my budget?

  • How do you calculate fees for your floral arrangements?

    How does your payment system work? When is my final payment due?

    Do you charge a fee for design and design changes?

    How much do you charge for venue visits? Or further consultations?

    Do you charge a delivery, setup and takedown fee?

    How much do you charge for item hire?

    Do you charge a security deposit?

    What is your cancellation policy, if required?

  • How long do you need to setup?

    What time will you arrive?

    Where will you bring my personal flowers?

    Do you provide water vases for my bouquets?

    Can you stay to move things at the venue? Is there an additional fee for this?

  • What mechanics do you use for your arrangements? (foam, moss, chicken wire etc)

    How do you dispose of the waste following the day?

    Do you compost your green waste?

    Are the flowers locally grown & seasonal?


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