Sustainability Statement

Bryonia is committed to creating flowers in a kind & considered way, with the least possible impact

Sustainability has been a founding principle within Bryonia since day one, and something that we frequently consider within our creative processes, floral products and services. Whilst we are on the right path towards operating our floristry business with earth first approach, we would like to hold ourselves accountable to the following goals and objectives as we grow.

  • Truly seasonal & locally flowers typically have a lesser impact on our planet. There are a number of reasons why this is the case, from chemical use, to human costs, and soil health. In addition, seasonal flowers usually have a lesser carbon footprint, through reduced transportation air miles, cooling/heating costs and packaging requirements.

    At Bryonia, we are committed to using locally grown and seasonal flowers, including during the winter months when dried flowers, seedpods and other items can be used as an alternative to relying on imported flowers.

    We will continue to support our local grower network through being members of Flowers From the Farm and aligning with other like-minded organisations, and look to establish a more sustainable floriculture supply chain throughout our work.

  • Bryonia operates as a foam free florist, and we reuse mechanics for all of our installations and floral arrangements. We will continue to avoid any single use plastics within our work and continue to choose suppliers who operate with a similar ethos.

  • We are committed to reducing waste on our planet.

    The majority of Bryonia’s waste will be green items, which we compost and/or dispose of responsibly. We will save and dry unused stems for stock during our winter seasons. We avoid the use of any preserved, dyed or chemically altered flowers, as these cannot be composted.

    Any other business waste created will be recycled or reused.

  • We are committed to supporting our skilled and creative team of freelancers and florists.

    We will continue to support our people through providing a safe, fair work space and providing above living wages. We continue to provide education opportunities for emerging talent, allowing others to gain an insight into the floral industry.

  • All our packaging is sourced carefully, with considerations around recyclability and reusing as much as possible.

  • Energy and water are essential resources for operating Bryonia, and we will continue to use these mindfully.

    We will turn off any lights and heating/cooling machines when not in use, and maintain our equipment and vehicles so they operates as efficiently as possible.

    We will use environmentally friendly cleaning products whenever required, and we will condense our floral deliveries rather than multiple journeys, so that lesser fuel is needed.

    We are saving to purchase a more sustainable vehicle, and aim to upgrade to a more energy efficient van soon.

  • Our aim to host an annual floral workshop, at cost price or less, where all proceeds from the event will be given to a chosen charity.

    Previous events have included raising fund for Manchester Children’s Hospital, New Zealand Growers’ Fund for Flood Relief Efforts and The Red Cross.

  • We will continue to be open with our Sustainability journey, and document our experiences through our Journal pages and sharing on social media channels.

    We will support others on a likeminded journey, through our vocal platforms and by providing transparent education to the floral industry via workshops and webinars.

    We will continue to educate ourselves on the most sustainable ways to create our designs. For example, through our accreditation with the Sustainable Floristry Network.

We understand the importance of putting our planet first, and it is our responsibility as part of the floral industry to address these challenges.

To discuss anything further around our Sustainability Statement, Ethos and Approach, please contact us .